AutoDialers, RoboCalls, and RoboTexts are Often Illegal — Get Help
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act can help! The FCC just revised the TCPA to help consumers fight back by getting between $500 to $1500 per violation! Now telemarketers will have receive express written consent from consumers before making calls or sending texts. Because there are no exceptions to the new consent requirement for prior business relationships, companies will not just need consent from future customers bu also from consumers on their existing telemarketing lists! The written consent must contain a “clear and conspicuous disclosure” about what will happen if the consumer consents, be met with an “unambiguous” agreement by the consumer to receive communications at a designated number, and make it clear that providing consent is not a condition for receiving a product or service. The new rules took effect just one year ago today! Happy Anniversary! If you need help fighting against RoboCalls or RoboTexts, call the Hanson Law Firm at 858.451.0291.