
Consumer’s Guide to Effective Complaint and Resolution: What do the Psychologists Say?

Ever have a frustrating experience trying to get a business to fix a problem with their product or service?  A car that they can’t fix?  A hotel room that was not what was promised?  Bad food or service?  A friend passed a great Wall Street Journal article on to me (from Nov. 19, 2016). The authors provide a psychological perspective and provide an effective game plan for complaint. Although geared toward personal relationships, these pointers will also help to direct your complaints to businesses whose products or services were not as promised:
1. Have a Goal. Be clear about exactly what you want from the beginngng: a new tire? a discount? an apology? This will help get your complaint to the right ears.
2. Write it Down. This will help to both focus your thoughts, and, just as importantly, will leave an objective record of what happened and when in your quest for relief. Use dates, times, names, etc. Use email and the mail.
3. Stay Positive. Start by saying something positive about the company or service providers, then move to the complaint. Try to finish on an upbeat and hopeful note.
4. Try Humor. Self-deprecating humor can be disarming and will help lubricate the help button.
5. Read Cues. Listen and watch the body language of those you are addressing. Most importantly listen!
Let me know if you’ve tried these pointers, and how it went?

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