
Nissan Sentra and Juke CVT Transmission Problems: Lemon Law Alert

The Consumer’s Friend has been alerted that numerous Nissan owners are complaining about their CVT transmission. Complaints include many who have experienced problems with the CVT in Nissan’s 2013-14 Sentras and Jukes. These CVT transmissions, according to the complaints, repeatedly jump, start, stop, bind, and lag unexpectedly, dangerously, and inappropriately. Th vehicles have issues like engine revving and delays while the car is transitioning between gears, and shaking. At other times, the cars will
unexpectedly and unnecessarily drop down a gear, disrupting the driveability of the cars. If you have been experiencing these or similar issues, you should contact a lemon lawyer for a free consultation. Consumers do not have to accept Nissan’s arguments that the CVT is operating as designed and, therefore, not covered under the Nissan warranty. In fact, these consumers may have the right under California’s Lemon Law, the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, to a have their Nissan Sentras or Jukes bought back by Nissan. Call the Hanson Law Firm, 858.451.0291, for more information about your lemon law rights.

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